Sunday, April 25, 2010

School Days, Fool Days

Ok so this blog had to go unnerground for a bit 'cause of how surreal my life became over the past five months but i am back for those several pairs of eyes that come here and I THANK YOU for your PATRONAGE and PATIENCE.

good lord - life is a trip. ANYWAY! HEY!

so I took some classes at the Art Students League in NYC over the past few months and here are the fruits of that venture:

(The "notes" on the left hand side of these two life drawings are by Frank Porcu, anatomy instructor at ASL.)


Mitchel Kennedy said...

Wow man, fantastic life drawing! How long were these poses?

Nate said...

thanks mitch! the life drawing classes I took at ASL were three hours long and the model held the same pose. enough rope to hang yourself with, in other words.